Welcome Home: Trauma informed, gender sensitive recovery at Sophia’s House
Lindsay Gannon, Sarah Barton, Klara Tammany
Maine Public Health Association Conference
Poster Presentation
October 16th, 2018
Sophia’s House will provide two years of healing and housing for women who are survivors of prostitution, trafficking, prison, and addiction. The project will be an adaptation of the successful 20-year Magdalene program at Thistle Farms in Nashville, TN, a comprehensive, two year, “housing first” community-based model.
The gender sensitive and trauma informed program will include wrap-around support services for therapy, addiction recovery, medical care and GED work through local agencies. The Center will provide ongoing programs related to building resiliency and women will start job training in The Center’s social enterprise called Herban Works. There they will experience meaningful work in a contained and nurturing environment while also earning a small stipend.
Learning Objective 1: Describe how the Sophia’s House Model supports and empowers women survivors of addiction, trafficking, and incarceration through holistic healing in a shared community.
Learning Objective 2: Discuss how the common denominator for women at the Center are adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and how innovative programming needs to address these underlying issues.