Creating a Space for Vulnerability and Shared Experience
How can qualitative researchers build stronger rapport, establish trust, and gather in- depth information on sensitive topics, such as healthcare and health insurance, during a focus group?
How can qualitative researchers build stronger rapport, establish trust, and gather in- depth information on sensitive topics, such as healthcare and health insurance, during a focus group?
Conducting focus groups presents unique challenges when tackling sensitive subjects such as tobacco use. If handled poorly, moderators can trigger uncomfortable emotions or memories, create unwillingness to share, or discourage participation. This can result in bad data outcomes and a … Continue reading
Fraudulent survey takers and bots are a serious problem in online survey research. This issue is worsening and threatens the integrity and quality of data.
Background Examine the association between tobacco use, sexual orientation, adverse childhood experiences and other risk factors among adolescents to inform tobacco prevention programming for LGBTQ youth.
Abstract The undercount in public coverage observed in survey results has been an issue for decades. Due to factors including confusion about coverage type and a strong social desirability effect, Medicaid enrollment is significantly underestimated in most surveys. The recent … Continue reading
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