Community Health

CHNA_1Population health is best driven by data and information. We collect data using our own custom surveys and analyze and report on data from existing data sets. Our reports compare data to state and national benchmarks, identify health disparities, and present data in a clear and compelling form. This assures that the final plan for action is both science-based and matched to community needs.

We partner with a national expert on CHNAs, the Public Health Research Group (PHRG). In 1991, PHRG pioneered community health planning and has completed CHNAs for more than 25 different organizations.

Our population health surveys and analysis of secondary data have provided information to guide several CHNAs.

Some of these CHNA organizations include:

  • Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems
  • MaineHealth
  • MaineGeneral
  • Mayo Regional Hospital (ME)
  • St. Louis County Department of Health
  • Central Peninsula Hospital (AK)
  • Ledge Light Health District/Lawrence + Memorial Hospital (CT)
  • Maine Shared Health Needs Assessment & Planning Process (SHNAPP) – a collaboration of: Central Maine Healthcare, Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems, MaineGeneral, and MaineHealth.