Papers, Presentations & Publications

Assessing the effectiveness of using propensity scores to target hard-to-reach populations
Brian Robertson PhD, John Charles MS, Anna Driscoll
AAPOR 2023

Creating a Space for Vulnerability and Shared Experience
Allison Tippery, Frances Tarbell
AAPOR 2023

At What Cost? The Financial Impact of a Cancer Diagnosis Among Maine Cancer Patients
Patrick Madden MBA
MPHA 2021

Sparking Connection – Navigating Sensitive Discussions on Tobacco Use in Focus Group Projects
Allison Tippery, Frances Tarbell
AAPOR 2023

Surveying Low Incidence Race and Ethnic Minority Populations by Cell Phone
Brian Robertson PhD, David Malarek
AAPOR 2022

The Bots are Taking Over! Lessons Learned from Battling Bots on a Social Media Survey
Allison Tippery, John Charles MS, Patrick Madden MBA
Poster AAPOR 2022

Are advanced letters cost effective? The use of an advance letter to improve survey response for large scale telephone surveys and to reduce data collection costs
Brian Robertson, PhD., Jared Gumbs, Ashley Hyon, MA
Virtual AAPOR 2020

“At the crossroads: Tobacco use, adverse childhood experiences and other risk factors among lesbian, gay and bisexual youth”
Patrick Madden, MBA, Mark Noyes, MPH, Jotham Illuminati, MSPH, John Charles, MS

“Use of Incentives to Increase Representation and Cost Effectiveness of African American Mothers in PRAMS”
Patrick Madden & Jennifer Oliver, Market Decisions Research and Tracey Jewell & Tina Webb, Kentucky Department for Public Health
Presentation, APPOR Annual Conference, 2019

“Welcome To The Neighborhood: Health Care Access for African New Mainers”
Patricia Hart, MS, CPH, Lindsay Gannon, MPA, Holly Lasagna, MLS
Presentation, APHA Annual Meeting, November 2017

“Identifying Gender Minorities in Population-Based Proxy Surveys”
Brian Robertson PhD, Mark Noyes MPH, Paige Lewis
Presentation, APPOR Annual Conference May 2018

“Can Survey Design Reduce the Undercount of Public Health Insurance Coverage?”
Brian Robertson PhD, Mark Noyes, MPH
Poster Session, AAPOR Annual Conference, May 2018

“Is It Worth the Cost? The Use of a Survey Invitation Letter to Increase Response to an Email Survey”
Brian Robertson PhD, John Charles MS, Mark Noyes MPH
Presentation, APPOR Annual Conference, May 2018

“Peer Crowd Identification and Adolescent Health Behaviors: Results From a Statewide Representative Study”
Patrick Madden MBA, John Charles MS
Journal Article, Heath Education & Behavior, March 2018

“Responsive Survey Design to Improve Participation Among African American Mother in PRAMS”
Patrick Madden MBA, Jennifer Oliver, Tracey Jewell
APPOR Annual Conference May 2018