Health Disparities/Health Equity

Measuring program effectiveness is critical for continuous improvement. Establishing the difference between the outcomes that occurred as a result of a program, and those that would have been in the absence of it, is difficult. We bring the discipline of a survey research firm to determine these differences and to establish why this is so.

Our approach incorporates many types of pre and post surveys that allow us to make quantitative comparisons. We also conduct qualitative assessments of how programs are perceived, implemented, and utilized to accurately address questions of effectiveness and efficiency. Our use of the US CDC Evaluation Framework as a model for our program evaluation approach speeds the development of evaluation plans and most importantly, assures action on the data by involving stakeholders in the evaluation design and process.

We have provided survey research and secondary data analysis to evaluate many different types of community and public health programs, including obesity, nutrition, diabetes, tobacco use, and cardiovascular health. These programs typically target at-risk and hard-to-reach populations, including youth and low-income households.

Some of our evaluation experience includes:

  • Evaluation of Healthy Ohioans
  • Evaluation of the Healthy Maine Partnerships, and Tobacco Free Maine for the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Senior Population Analysis for Martin’s Point Health Care
  • Evaluation of Retail Policy Initiatives and Communications Campaigns for Massachusetts Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program (MTCP)
  • Evaluation of the 84 youth program for the Massachusetts Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program (MTCP)