In-depth & Qualitative Interviews

In-depth interviews, key-informant interviews, or executive interviews are methods of qualitative research which involve selecting specific people believed to have highly informed perspectives on the subject of study. Respondents are interviewed individually over the phone or in-person. Questions are predominately open-ended.

Our staff of senior interviewers include former professors and business executives. They are able to get through the gatekeepers to the actual respondents and engage in a discussion on a peer-to-peer level. They are experts at encouraging the respondents to talk in-depth about a topic. The results can be very revealing.

In-depth qualitative research is best if you:

  • Want to explore the attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs of a group respondents
  • Are interviewing respondents who would be difficult to bring together for a focus group

Our senior interviewers are able to quickly develop rapport and engage respondents in revealing discussions